News: Mayor Amsterdam to open brothel for sex workers to improve working conditions

Amsterdam mayor, Eberhard van der Laan has opened a new brothel run by sex workers in the city's red light district to improve working conditions.
According to the city officials, the four buildings brothel dubbed the 'Municipal brothel' is part of a long-standing plan by sex workers and city officials to improve working conditions for sex workers and rid the country's sex industry of organized crime, allowing sex workers to work independently without having to seed their earnings to unscrupulous pimps.

The Dutch hoped that by improving the working conditions for the sex workers it would help in creating a clean sex industry, in which they could earn money without having to pay pimps.
Prostitution in Netherlands has been made legal since 2000, as far as the owners of sex-selling establishments have their licenses they are free to run a brothel for sex workers in any state of the
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