Digital Marketing Vs Local Marketing: Which Is Better?

2016 has witnessed many big events across the globe, be it the rise of the ‘Trump card’, or the end of an era of currencies, or the controversy about the colour of a dress that appears to deceive the human eye. However, all of these events would probably not have been this magnanimous, had it not been for the evolution of digital media.
It makes me chuckle when some people predict that digital media, or social media, as one would call it, will have limited growth in future. The internet has evolved from a luxury to a necessity. And so has social media. From ‘Six Degrees’ in 1997, digital media has taken a huge leap to Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, and what not.
This also makes digital marketing better than local marketing. Here is a look at how digital marketing can help you do better than local marketing.
The rise of smartphones
Gone are the days of flip phones. Teenagers owning them are not considered cool anymore. This is the reign of smartphones. Not just flip phones, smartphones have very much replaced desktops as well. In fact, Google released a mobile-friendly ranking algorithm (Mobilegeddon) that gives a boost to the mobile-friendly pages in the Google search. Furthermore, most websites have been updated to a more mobile-friendly version because clearly, smartphone users are outnumbering desktop users.
Video Advertisements
Since the users don’t have much of a problem being interrupted occasionally while they are surfing through the internet, advertisements have been given a new avatar. They now appear as short videos. Many companies use this technique as a marketing strategy and these videos pop up in the middle of a YouTube video, a game or even on your screen while you’re window shopping.
Virtual Reality
On March 28, 2016, a device was released that proved to be a boon for the gadget lovers. Oculus Rift is a virtual reality handset manufactured by Oculus VR. It has headphones, provides 3D audio effects and enables positional tracking. This sensational device expanded the scope for virtual reality. Besides, PokemonGo has been a 2016 favourite too.
Search Engine Optimization
SEO is the process of enhancing the rankings of a website on the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo, by using specific keywords that match with the search options and increase the relevance of the websites. This marketing technique is so successful, it has opened opportunities for writers.
That was a glimpse of what 2016 gave us. Let’s see what to expect from 2017.
IoT And Wearable Technology
The Internet of Things has been and will continue to be a sensation since it has brought about an evolution in the world of programming. Also, wearables like Apple smartwatches are the dream of even 8- year olds. This technology helps exchange of information without human intervention.
Live Streaming
Since live concerts and football matches weren’t enough, social media sites like Facebook now allow the users to stream live and also communicate with fellow users simultaneously. Well, it is much easier to now locate a person, isn’t it?
Augmented Reality
This concept is such a hit so far, it is expected to be one of the top trends, especially for marketing strategies. In fact, it is so convenient that even small and medium scale startups and magazines use this technology to appeal to users.
More Areas Of Communication
Social media evolved from personal use to digital marketing. However, it is observed that the purpose of these platforms are gradually changing. Some of them now offer consumer services as well, thereby increasing the interaction between consumers and brands. More growth is expected as more brands catch up to the potential of this technique.
These are some important trends that are expected to be seen in 2017. It will be a strong branch for content providers and brands who want to adopt inexpensive and convenient marketing strategies.
Then again, we just have to wait and see. But it is definitely a better option than local marketing.


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