You want to be happy, who doesn’t? However, you might
engage in unhelpful behaviors that thwart your success. Whether you
procrastinate, feed negative self-talk, or don’t rest your mind, you
lower your potential to create happiness.
Putting off mowing the lawn, or not writing a letter,
may not seem like a big deal, but every time you don’t carry out tasks
you think you should complete, you ignite a mild fight or flight
response. Fight or flight happens when you face stress, and, although it
exists to aid survival, it isn’t always a helpful response. You aren’t
in mortal danger if you procrastinate, but your system doesn’t always
take this information onboard. You still react as though you are anxious
and produce stress chemicals. Additionally, as your system constricts
physically, your mind also closes off a little. Just as your muscles
tighten when you are anxious, your ability to see the big picture of
life is reduced when you procrastinate, so, you don’t see as much joy.
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