God, Homosexuality and Health

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Hold on a bit. Do you know that there are so many hidden gays in Nigeria, that they just need the touchstone word “Homosexuality”, to come out firing from all cylinders. One was so brazen that he said through a twitter handle “@ShareAndSell2”, and I quote “Dr Sun you lacked (sic)knowledge about what you write about homosexuality, go home and pray. And God will open your eye”. Unquote. Others are filling my email with hate-mails, saying unprintable things. Oh My God (OMG). My only consolation is that, at least, I am being read, for good or bad. Let us now do some psychoanalysis of why people become gays.
What are the psychological factors of Homosexuality?
♥ 1) In a research done by “Diagram Group” in “Man’s Body”. It was found that even if physical factors are involved, psychological ones seem more important. It is significant that the potential for homosexuality seems to exist in all men; and that homosexual feeling is typical at one stage of early adolescence, and only unusual if prolonged. This prolongation seems to happen in our society, when certain family emotional patterns have occurred in childhood. In particular, combination of an un-affectionate, even hostile, father, with an emotional, over-intimate mother. May mean that a growing boy lacks or reacts against identification with a male model, and is drawn into his mother’s femininity.
♥ 2) The situation may be made worse, if the mother accompanies her mother-son intimacy, with subconsciously ambiguous physical caresses, out of frustration or resentment against the father. The child’s sexuality may be awakened; but as he cannot imagine himself taking a sexual initiative in relation to his mother, women may come to seem unobtainable or alarming. Thereafter he emotionally moves towards same sex relationship. NB – Every woman with a male child should re-read my submission in (2) above, and take precautions on how, not to push your male child towards homosexuality.
♥ 3) Even where a firm break with the mother is made, a fear of her power, may remain as a fear of power of women in general. This is especially true where the mother’s force is not one of intimacy compared with a distant father, but of outright dominance compared with a weak father. This is another situation in which homosexuality can arise, for the growing boy sees no advantage in becoming a male. I wish our women who crave to dominate their husbands, should pause, and reflect on the after effects on their male children. This research was done in Oxford University, in United Kingdom, in more than 5,000 families over a period of 20 years.
♥ 4) In a research done in Houston University last century, it was discovered that America has the highest number of homosexuals. Reason; When a family(husband & wife) quarrels, which results in divorce – the husband is forced by law, to pick only his brief-case, and leave the house, abandoning everything he has acquired in life for his wife. Most American males grew up, seeing their mothers (females), as oppressive and aggressive, and there after, developed a pathological hatred for female folks. So as a conciliation, American males gravitate towards fellow males in sympathy as mutually-oppressed-partners, hence becoming gays. As a corollary the neglected females gravitate towards fellow females as lesbians.
Are there “cures” or treatment of homosexuality?
Because homosexuality is generally seen as abnormal, it is also seen as something requiring treatment. Many homosexuals themselves look on it in this way. Here are some of the methods attempted, and the difficulties or misconceptions involved.
Hormone Treatment.
This tries using doses of male or female synthetic hormones. However;
a) Male hormones; far from making male hormosexuals more “masculine”, simply increase the desire for whatever sexual activity they are used to; and
b) Female hormone; (used to control sex offenders), reduce all sexual desire in men, eventually produces impotence, and has such side effects as breast development. In any case, the ethical justification for interfering with the hormone balance of a physically healthy person is extremely doubtful.
c) Only a very small proportion of hormosexuals suffer from hormone abnormality. It may be that they tend towards homosexuality because of this, but it has not been proved even for this small category.
Behavioural therapy.
■ Behavioural therapy rests on the assumption that homosexuality is a bad habit, with no really deep significance, and that it can be easily changed to another habit. This is attempted in several ways.
■ A homosexual may be introduced to female seduction in an “anxiety-free-atmosphere”, with the aid of drugs, to inhibit the usual response. Alternatively, in “aversion therapy”, a patient may be shown pictures of nude men, and given an electric shock, or an injection inducing nausea. He may also be given a sexual stimulant while looking at pictures of nude women.
■ All these procedures are crude, and treat people as sex objects, rather than as human beings with complex feelings. It is very doubtful if they change a homosexual into a well-adjusted heterosexual. It is more likely that those “effectively” treated in this way simply become so guilt-ridden that they abstain from homosexual activities, and struggle to find pleasure in heterosexual ones.
Psychoanalysis uses regular long sessions between a patient and a trained analyst, in which the conflicting emotions, fantasies, and inner conflicts of the patient are revealed. Psychoanalytic theory believes that uncovering these conflicts itself sets off their resolution. However a) – the process is immensely costly. b) – it demands great patient motivation. c) – as a procedure for dealing with mental conflicts, it has not been finally proved, to be any more effective, than the passage of time. And d) – any one therapist’s theory of homosexual causation is unlikely to be universally valid. Next week by popular demand I shall discuss low back pain – lumbago.
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