Mother and daughter killed at a pedestrian crossing by driver who ignored traffic light

Speaking about her mother, Sadie, the surviving child of the deceased said, "She had a brilliant sense of humour and used to laugh and joke all the time. She was just funny. When you did something bad, she was a real mum, but when you were good, she was like a friend. She loved being a mum, but she was like a kid herself sometimes. I'm going to really miss her."

Sadie also spoke about her sister, Cidalia, in flowery terms, saying; "Cidalia had a great imagination and we only learnt after she died that she had won a writing competition. The story was about a mermaid."
The lorry driver admitted to two counts of causing death by careless driving. He has been jailed for 14 months and banned from driving for five years and seven months.
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